
I have so much to do today.

It’s been a crazy past couple of weeks. My Dad has been visiting from the US and I’ve also had my brother and my sister and her family staying. We’ve been having days out, late nights, early mornings and lots of fun. Everyone is now home and the kids go back to school tomorrow. The house feels so quiet. But I need to stop feeling sorry for myself and get back on top of everything once again. Thank goodness for my trustee organiser. You know how much I love my lists.

So today I will…..clean bathrooms, change all the beds, get school uniforms ready and get some work done too. So much work to catch up on.

Lots & lots to do….

This month’s Coffee & Cupcakes Kit is a fab one for your planner.  Great if you are a list lover like me and lots of cutesy goodness to tart up those planners. Oh how happy this makes me.  I do love to make lists and make my planner pretty.

Wish me luck with my to-do list today !!