It’s a busy week in the land of Lollipop.

We say goodbye to June later this week and we find ourselves in to July with our beautiful new kit ‘Flower Fairies’.

I’m trying to stay as organised as I can this week. For me that means lots of list making. It’s the only way I can function.

From writing my weekly menu….To keeping a daily to-do list…..



I’ve had a very scrappy few days and I have some new scrapbooking process videos up on YouTube which you can see here. I’m really enjoying creating the videos. After my first few weeks of doing them now, I have become to accept that I will never have the professional polished video….mine are more the home grown kind. The kind where the phone rings even though you thought it was on silent, the kind where the washing machine goes in to fast spin in the room next to where you are creating or the kind where you kids start to argue in the background. I have given up and I’ve come to realise, that unless I film at 5am….the house is never quiet. The joys of having a studio at home eh?! It is what it is, but I kind of like it too. It’s real.

I have just a handful of June kits now. If you would like one they are here. I love these fun kits.

The new July Kits will be revealed on the 1st July, this Friday – 7.30am UK. I will have more photos for you then and the one off kits will go on sale. But for now….here’s something that I’ve been working on this week to go in the new kits. You can subscribe already here to get them at a reduced rate.

Rosie Bags

Thank you for joining me here today. Have a lovely Tuesday xx