Our Journey Starts here

Welcome to the first of our ‘Bon Voyage’ Kit blog posts.  I’ve got some really cool things in store for you this month.  I really do have a thing for maps, so I know that I am going to enjoy this month LOTS!

I’m going to start by taking you in to my downstairs loo. Sounds a little strange I know, but I would really like to share the artwork that I made for this little room. I wanted to hang a large map of the world and mark off all the places that we have been lucky to visit. After searching for some time I found my perfect map. It’s from Paperchase. It’s rather large which is just what I wanted.  I wanted to add a pin for each place that we have visited, so I attached the map to canvases so that the pins would push in easily. I decided to spread mine over 4  canvases.

map 2

Each person in our family chose a colour pin so you can easily see who has been where.

map 3

I painted the canvases (don’t forget to do the sides). If you don’t have things like paint at home and you don’t want to spend a fortune, I highly recommend using The Works. I buy alot of my canvases from there too. Or you can pick up sample pots of paint from DIY stores. For projects like this they are perfect. The map was just stuck to the canvases with regular PVA glue. I painted the canvases once the map was stuck down in place.

map 4

I like that by having this large map, it’s really had the children interested in the world and where countries are and the places that they want to visit. We are planning a fun US roadtrip for next year and they are so excited about being able to add new pins to the map. We also find that when we have visitors, it tends to be a great topic of conversation (once they’ve used the restroom). I’ve loved hearing about some of the places our friends and neighbours have visited that we probably wouldn’t have heard about otherwise. And not only is it fun and educational, it looks rather nice too!!

Don’t be put off by having the whole world to add your pins too. You could also use a map of your own country or continent.

I hope you have enjoyed the start on our Bon Voyage month. The new kits are now on sale here.

Lisa x